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Taipei, Halal Chinese Beef Noodles 清真中國牛肉麵食館

· Halal Restaurant
Halal beef noodles- Halal Trip Guru
Halal beef noodles- Halal Trip Guru

Halal Chinese Beef Noodle Restaurant

Beef noodle is special food from Taiwan, if you haven't enjoyed this food, it means your travelling is not perfect. Don't go home before you all taste this. You will regret it.

This restaurant is located 5 minutes from Sun Yat Sen Memorial exit 1 MRT.
Address: No. 1, Alley 7, Lane 137, Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106
Operating Hours: Every day 11:30 AM-2PM and 5 PM-8:30PM

the prices is affordable with large portions like that, 1 large bowl is priced at $ NT 155, worth it isn't it? 💰💰💰
for taste? don't ask, we give a tasty 4/5 star, beef that is really soft, fits on the tongue. 😍🤤🤤🤤

Beef noodle merupakan makanan khas dari negeri Taiwan, jika belum menikmati makanan ini berarti kunjungan anda belum sempurna. Jangan pulang sebelum kalian semua mencicipi ini. Anda akan menyesali itu. 🍜🍜🍜

Restoran ini terletak 5 menit dari MRT Sun Yat Sen Memorial exit 1.
Alamat: No. 1號, Alley 7, Lane 137, Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106
Jam Operasional : Setiap hari 11:30AM-2PM dan 5PM-8:30PM

Untuk harga terjangkau dengan porsi besar seperti itu, 1 mangkuk besar dihargai $NT 155, worth it bukan? 💰💰💰
untuk rasa? jangan ditanya, kita beri bintang 4/5 tasty, dengan daging sapi yang lembut banget, cocok di lidah. 😍🤤🤤🤤

Super huge Halal beef- Halal Trip Guru
Halal beef noodles- Halal Trip Guru
Halal beef noodles- Halal Trip Guru
Menu of Halal beef noodles- Halal Trip Guru
Menu of Halal beef noodles- Halal Trip Guru

Opening Hours




No. 1, Alley 7, Lane 137, Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106



Halal Identification

Certified by Chinese Muslim Association (operated more than 60 years!)

Public Transportation

MRT Station Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Exit 1